Analyzing the Impact of Trade Balances on Currency Valuation

Balances of trade, which are undoubtedly an essential element of a state’s foreign economic relations, are one of the main factors that affect currency exchanges rates. A trade balance in essence therefore simply refers to the net worth of a nation’s export earnings subtracted by import figures in a given period. If exports are greater than imports, the country has a trade surplus and on the other side; if imports are greater than exports, then the country is in the trade deficit. Surplus situations and deficit situations are also remarkable for a country’s currency value. This article seeks to explain the relationship between trade balances and currency values with focus made on the effect on forex trade.

First of all, it is possible to state that trade surplus means that a country has more demand for its products and services internationally. This leads to a higher demand for foreign currency in the country because the buyers sourced their currencies from other countries to pay for the surplus goods and services. Since the law of supply and demand holds that an increase in foreign currency creates upward pressure for the domestic currency value, the case under analysis also confirms this idea. This currency appreciation in forex trading is substantial because it results in better returns for any investor acquiring or holding the currency in question.


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However, a trade deficit means that a nation consumes more of goods and services from other countries than it produces for export. This means that trade deficit presents a problem of shortage of the currency through borrowing or otherwise from foreign investors. These operations most often concern the conversion of foreign currency for domestic or vice versa. The need to buy these currencies in order to fill the gap has the effect of depressing the value of the home currency. For the forex traders this means higher profitability of currencies that are expected to appreciate as compared to the depreciating currency.

Trade balance therefore plays a very significant on the valuation on a given currency depending on whether the nation is in a trade surplus or in a trade deficit. Trade balance has effect on forex trading because value of the currency affects the gain or loss that is made while trading on the forex. Moreover, exchange rates open a window through which import and export prices change, leading to shifts in the trade balance, thus establishing a cycle of trade balance and exchange rate.

Furthermore, central banks only undertake some specific roles such as acting as market makers on currency valuation by participating in the forex market. Some of the ways are through using forex that involves buying or selling currencies in the forex market to achieve the required currency value. One common form of this intervention occurs when a country’s balance of payments shows large changes. For instance, a country that exhibits a trade deficit will participate in the forex market with a view of purchasing its own currency to reduce the chances of weakening. On the other hand, if a country has a surplus then the country will aim at preventing an upward trend in the value of its currency. Such intervention is considered by central banks and should be considered by Forex traders in their trades.

If you want to get to grips with forex trading, trade balances are highly relevant indeed and have a strong link with the value of currencies around the world. Those traders who are able to identify and predict how trade balances impact on the currency tend to gain a competitive edge in the forex market. Through trade balance, the fore traders can be able to foretell when the associated country’s currency is going to appreciate or depreciate hence be in a better position to trade. Finally, value of the currency depending on balances of trade is the key basis for the effectiveness of forex trading strategies.

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Padmaskh is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechniTute.
